Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Divine Spray

It was a ‘perfect’ start to my ‘perfect’ day.

I woke up this morning in a grumpy mood. Maybe because I had this fight with mom last night. Whatever the reason, I wasn’t in a really great mood. I cursed everything that came in my way. I finally managed to get ready and leave for office – one of the things I cursed.

Driving can be a gruelling task. First there is the traffic. Then, there are our very own Michael Schumachers. Also, there is the ‘clean air’ and the ‘smooth roads’. Even if you manage to get through all this unscathed, the Lord still shows no mercy. He decides to test your will power, patience and endurance.

Which is why he created the sprayers.

He is the common man. He travels by bus, drives a car, rides a bike…. And, he spits.

India, among other things, is a country of pan chewers. Men pride themselves in chewing pan, ghutka, and the like. Well, nothing wrong with that. Especially when it is a matter of pride. What is surprising is that, they pride themselves in spitting it too. Not in their custom spitting bowls, but just about anywhere except that.

It is amazing to see that red projectile come out in that neat trajectory through the bus window. What does it matter if the bus is at a traffic signal and there are people on vehicles nearby? Spitting is my birthright.

I would like to appreciate the people of Kolkata in this. I had gone to Kolkata to visit my dad a year ago. He had picked us from the station and we took a cab home. While we stopped at a signal, I saw this guy in a cab in front of ours open his door. I thought there was probably some problem. Well, believe it or not, there was. He had to spit. So instead of sending his projectile through the window, he opened the door, bent and spat on the road. Not that what he did was not wrong. He at least didn’t spit on someone else and took care that it was on the road. :P

Today, on my way to office, I got sprayed. Although it wasn’t much, it doesn’t make things okay. This guy in a car spat out and I happened to drive past. Since there was traffic, we were all moving slow. My already grumpy mood got grumpier. I turned and looked at the guy with all my fury. He smiled and said ‘Sorry’! I mean, what was that?! Is that supposed to make me feel better? Am I supposed to completely forget that I got spat on and gracefully say ‘Oh that’s okay. Happens all the time’ with a smile and move on?

Though it wasn’t going to change things, I had to vent my anger. I yelled at him and drove on, leaving the driver with a shocked and angry look on his face. So, in essence, it is okay if they spit on you, albeit accidentally, smile and say sorry. But it is not okay if we get riled up and express our anger and disgust.

To realize that spitting in public places is wrong does not require one to hold a degree. It is a matter of basic cleanliness and respect for our surroundings that people are expected to have. One might argue that if this basic realization were there in people, the world would be a perfect place. I agree. Even if they have to do it, the least they can do is look if there are people around. The thought that one day they might get spit on has to lurk in their minds. For a person who says that it is not acceptable for anybody to spit in public places, I find it more horrifying to see that among them are actually people who are well educated.

It is absolutely useless to hope that this would one day change. Wise would he be who can save himself from being sprayed.

These are the times I bless my helmet. I hate wearing it in this sweltering heat, but it at least saves my head from the missiles that are launched from the buses. :P

God, you have taught me the value of patience, endurance and will power. For, had I not possessed these, I would have turned into an unstoppable murderer long ago.


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